





  • 先行词:被定语从句装饰的专有名词,或代词,或语句

  • 关系词:关系代词或关系副词,that ,which,who,whose等,代指先行词,在从句中当做成份。

  • 从句:起叙述或限制功效


最简方式是简单句He is the man,从句who needs help作定语装饰the man。


最简方式是 The book will arrive, 从句that your ordered online装饰the book作定语。

1. 定语从句的种类——依据关系词归类

1.1 关系代词定语从句

1.1.1 关系代词特点

  • 替代的先行词是人或物的专有名词或代词

  • 在句中当做主语、宾语、定语等成份

  • 关系代词在定语 从句中作主语时,从句谓语动词的尊称和数要和先行词保持一致。

1.1.1 指人:who, whom, that, whose

  • He is the man who/that wants to see you.

  • The man whom I want to see is him.

  • She was the girl whom/that I saw in the restaurant.

  • A child whose father is lazy will be raised through widowed parenting. 有懒爸爸的小孩会被丧偶式育儿养大。

  • I, from whom you will learn a lot, is a self-employed person. 我,一个使你未来学好很多东西的人,是一名自由职业。

  • You are no longer the man that you used to be. 你不会再是吴下阿蒙。

1.1.2 指物: which, that, whose, of which

  • He lives in a villa whose history is longer than his father. 他住在一座年纪比他爸爸还大的老独栋别墅里

  • Above the the mountains are the clouds, whose exquisiteness is faithfully reflected by the lake. 山顶有星,其精美被水面忠实地展现。

  • This is the pen whose owner is a talented student. 便是这支笔,它的主人家是尖子生。

  • This is the pen (which) you want. 在从句中做宾语,可省去。

  • This ship in which we crossed the strait is broken. 大家搭乘过亚欧的船是艘破船。

  • The picture which is taken by me is professional. 我拍出来的相片很技术专业。

1.1.3 独特使用 *** 只有用that 不能用which

先行词为everything, anything,all,little,much等不定代词时;

  • Everything (that) the light touches is our kingdom. 凡太阳能映照的地方,就是大家的国家。

  • Is there anything that I can do for you?

  • Jenny told her mother all that had happened.

先行词被the only,the very,the same,the last装饰时;

  • The only thing I expect of you is to love, and be loved in return.


  • This is the most wonderful time that I have ever had.

  • This is the first time that she love a boy so deep.


  • There are 网people and goods and plane that can be transported to the recipient 20 minutes after the plane was landed. 飞机场运输的人与货品可在二十分钟内被装运至接待办。


  • Who is the girl that won the champion? 不能用that,只有用which


  • This is the teacher the son of whom is a famous doctor. 这就是孩子是名医的这位教师。

  • China has many islands, the second largest of which is Hainan Island. 我国许多海岛,在其中第二大的是海南。

  • Is that the new media for which you often write articles?这就是你常常文章投稿的互联网媒体吗?



  • The clock is that which tells the time,时钟是用于表示时间的。

  • The knife is that which is used to kill. 小刀是用于屠戮的。

1.2 关系副词定语从句

1.2.1 where =at, in, on which

  • Beijing is the place where (in which) the capital of China is.

  • He want to find the place where he worked 10 years ago.

1.2.1 why=for which

  • This is the reason why (for which) he refused our offer.

  • I do not know the reason why he failed.

1.2.3 when=during, in, on which

  • By the time you arrive, we had waited for you for 2 hours. You are so late!

  • There are occasions when (on which) one must yield. 有时候你迫不得已妥协。

  • I still remember the time when I met her for the first time. She was so young and so beautiful. 还记得小苹初遇,两重心点字罗衣。

  • Every time when you go away, you take a piece of me with you. 歌曲歌词

2. 依据从句效应归类

2.1 限定性定语从句

2.1.1 特性

  • 从句对被装饰的先行词有限制牵制功效,使本词的含意更实际,更确立。

  • 不可以被省去,不然句意也不详细

  • 绝大多数定语从句全是限定性的

2.2.2 词组

  • This is the boy you are looking for.

  • I lost my heart in the girl in which I fall in love last time.

  • She was the girl whom/that I saw in the restaurant.

  • Here is somebody who wants to speak to you.

2.2 非限定性定语从句

2.2.1 特性

  • 解释说明功效

  • 从句被省去后,句意详细

2.2.2 词组

  • I like singing for the very reason that(for which) she dis网likes it. 我喜欢唱歌,根据一样的缘故,她讨厌。

  • He has a brother who works in Google. 他有一个在Google工作中的弟兄。(大家不清楚他几个弟兄,可是毫无疑问有一个在Google工作中,补充说明)

  • His wife, who loved him very much, went to see him. 他的老婆,爱她至深,赶过去看他。

  • An loquat tree in the yard, which I planted in the year my wife died, is like a canopy now. 庭有枇杷树,吾妻死之时所手植也,今已亭亭如盖矣





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