陈山茹 怎么预约:
*** 群 价格:14616米 服务内容:
爬山 身材:
窈窕淑女 服务内容:96
人气值:658 工作室:
高级公寓 联系方式:
模特中介 是否入会:
见m付钱 接待时间:
晚9点开始 预约指数:
9.2分 胸围:
明星 净身高:
170cm 约会次数:149次 入行时间:
刚刚下水 是否整容:无整容 语言:
粤语,英语 性格:
模特昔日心境:若是您缺乏微弱时,您收我等候一场沒有限期的游览,我等赚能够了钱,我以为有那麼一天,剪个清洁爽利的短头收,穿着极年夜天短袖,浅蓝色的牛崽裤,身背极年夜天游览袋,跨过悉数我国。的统统飚,正在别人去看皆仅仅 个段子。别把本身的事女挖心掏肺天皆示知别人,一些人到您长远对您心连心,但死后确是正在对您动头脑。
实在岁数:27 岁
身下:175 CM
分量:53 KG
*** 号:145***698
一、留订金(区分于心嗨战 *** 丝)
How to find the wechat of Chongqing Dazu high end soft mold company?
< strong > name < / strong >:
Chen Shanru < strong > how to make an appointment < / strong >:
*** group < strong > price < / strong >: 14616 yuan < strong > service content < / strong >:
Mountain climbing < strong > figure < / strong >:
My fair lady < strong > service content < / strong >: 96
< strong > popularity value < / strong >: 658 < strong > Studio < / strong >:
Senior apartment < strong > contact information < / strong >:
Model agency < strong > join < / strong >:
See < strong > reception time < / strong >:
Start at 9 p.m. < strong > appointment index < / strong >:
9.2 points < strong > chest circumference < / strong >:
< strong > occupation < / strong >:
Star < strong > net height < / strong >:
170cm < strong > appointment times < / strong >: 149 times < strong > entry time < / strong >:
Just launched < strong > Plastic Surgery < / strong >: no plastic surgery < strong > language < / strong >:
Cantonese, English < strong > personality < / strong >:
High cooling type
< strong > customer comments < / strong >:
Mr. Yin of Zhoushan said: I’m too busy recently. Fortunately, I have a younger sister, which makes me feel a lot broader. It’s really good.
How can I find a reservation counter for old drivers in Chongqing? Female model (Zhu Xingyi), under the body (175cm), real age (27 years old), professional bottom business model, abstract, pay to see model for you to supply Chongqing bottom business model capital services, a vast number of business people choose model booking platform.
Model’s former state of mind: if you are weak, you accept me to wait for an unlimited tour, and we can earn money. I think that one day, I will cross all our country with a clean and refreshing short head, a pair of big short sleeves, light blue jeans and a big tour bag. It’s just a story when others go to see it. Don’t dig your heart and lungs out of your own affairs. Everyone knows other people. Some people will connect their hearts to you in the long run, but they are really moving their minds to you after they die.
Preference: 337
Actual age: 27
Under body: 175 cm
Scheduled product: old business model
Weight: 53 kg
Bust: 83
Civilization level: Master
Shoe size: 35
Constellation: Libra
Nationality: Chinese
Office status: Chongqing
First, apart from life and death, the rest of the world is full of chores. No matter what troubles you encounter, there is no need to change yourself; no matter what happened in the past, there is no need to be enthusiastic about your career, because there is another tomorrow. Second, the younger you are, the better you will be at night
Invention, the most common or missing or relatives. Without seeking more prosperity and poverty, I think my parents are painless and easy to get sick, and their physical and mental health is very good. No matter what kind of tears I experienced yesterday morning, when I was drunk in the morning, the countryside was still crowded. You are the most beautiful leaf I have ever seen, which makes my jungle dry for you. You are like a melody, which makes my life more harmonious. I can only say thank you in a *** all voice, as long as you can get to know each other! Happy day!
It’s also a big worry for novices to find the pattern of predetermined models. Xiaobian is there to share how many kinds of contact patterns of predetermined old business models. If everyone has a need, they can also indirectly scan the two-dimensional code on the big picture.
A little doubt: look outside the station
Tel: 137 * * * 8553
*** number: 145 * * 698
Micro Specialty: pay to see model
Broker booking platform: pay to see model
Broker: payment model bear
1、 Deposit (distinguish between Yu Xin and Diao SI)
2、 Select excellent talents (select according to the video, photos and preferred products)
3、 Seeing people (according to the contact with the broker, the safety factor is rare)
4、 Pay the balance to the broker (guarantee the quality of service and leave the model halfway)
5、 Bring
6、 Evaluate (reserve a good time for next reservation)
Image of
The above is a simple introduction to the relevant content of “Chongqing lower end business model Chez Tai”. If you want to reserve a good model, you can still find a reliable broker. We see that the payment model is a model broker with many years of experience in model reservation. If you need to reserve a Chez Tai, you can increase the above doubts.
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