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else }DWORD dwVersion=MAKEWORD(1,1); if (dwVersion >= 0x80000000) // Windows 9x躲藏使命列表 在新版本中,甲骨文答应用户导出虚拟主机至Oracle Cloud(OPC)公共云服务,答应用户在多个VirtualBox装置实例上轻松布置虚拟主机。 用户不再需要将虚拟主机导出到移动硬盘上,再迁移到其他电脑上,只需要从Oracle Cloud下载就能轻松完结。 "32": "res/images/lightning_green.png",

CCleaner 5.36.6278 (October 24, 2019):Browser CleaningFirefox: updated Session cleaning rule to support changes in Firefox 56.0Chrome (and Chromium): updated Internet History cleaning rule to clean user activity dataOpera: updated Internet History cleaning rule to clean user activity dataDefault Cleaning RulesWindows Explorer: Most Recently Used documents and other MRU files no longer cleaned by defaultWindows Defender: Scan history no longer cleaned by defaultMicrosoft Office: MRUs no longer cleaned by defaultEdge, Chrome/Chromium, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Thunderbird: Current session data no longer cleaned by defaultEmergency UpdaterAdded new executable: “CCUpdate.exe”Added new Windows Scheduled Task: “CCleaner Update”下载地址:http://download.piriform.com/ccsetup536.exe CCleaner是一款免费的体系优化和隐私维护东西。


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2 PoisonTap将会模仿假装成一个新参加体系的网络衔接,默许情况下,即便在有暗码维护的锁屏状况下,Windows、OS X 和Linux体系将会辨认该虚伪网络衔接,并宣布DHCP恳求; 依据恳...