



Chapter 7 - The Lion Clan Hall Of Copper Camel Alley铜驼巷里雄狮堂


When you see a person like this, it’s hard to forget them.


Little Gao remembered that he had been selling sliced rice cakes on the street outside the alley. He had been using a long, sharp, thin knife to cut the date-flavored sweet cakes.


The knife was currently sheathed at his waist.


It wouldn’t be difficult to use this knife to cut a person into pieces.


As soon as he appeared, the alley suddenly filled with noise and people. It seemed as if everyone that had been outside on the main street suddenly entered, just like tidewater. And Little Gao was submerged.


Little Gao felt like he had suddenly walked into a lively temple fair. Every direction was filled with people, all kinds of people. Not even a drop of water could get through. One could not even move.


He wasn’t really sure how to deal with the situation, because he had never encountered anything like this before.


The cake-seller had originally been right in front of him, but now he was nowhere to be seen.


He was too short, and to find him would be really difficult. But, if he wanted to use his knife to stab someone from within the crowd, it would be easier than cutting a cake.


Little Gao didn’t want to be near a knife like that.


He had to find the man. It was obvious that he was some sort of leader.


“I want to buy sliced sweet cakes!” he suddenly called. “Whoever was selling the cakes, where did you go?”


“I didn’t go anywhere,” came the reply, a deep husky voice. “I’m right here.”


The voice came from behind Little Gao. He turned around, but still couldn’t see the man.


But he heard him call out again, and then he realized that he couldn’t see him because he still hadn’t lowered his head.


A person that short, in a crowd, can’t be found unless you drop your head down.


“Can you see me?” asked Little Gao. “I still can’t see you. How can we do business?”


“The problem is easy to solve.”


Little Gao suddenly squatted down. He couldn’t see the faces of the others in the crowd, but right in front of him was the long, wide horse-like face.


“Now we can do businesses, right?”


The man *** iled, and the corners of his mouth nearly reached his ears. “You really want to buy sliced sweet cakes?”


“Other than buying cakes, is there any other business to discuss? Any other business to do?”


“No, there isn’t.”


“Then I’ll just buy some sliced sweet cakes.”


“How much do you want to buy?”


“How much can you sell?”


“As long as you pay the price, I can sell any amount.”


“How expensive are your cakes?”


“That depends.” “那就得看了。”

“Depends on what?” “看什么?”

“Depends on the person.” “看人。”

“Depends on the person?” Little Gao didn’t understand. “Selling sweet cakes depends on the person?”


“Of course it depends on the person. The price of the sweet cakes is determined by what type of person wants to buy.”


Adjusting the price based on the customer is definitely one of the secrets to successful business.


“For some people who want to buy sweet cakes, I sell them at two coins per half kilo. For other people, I won’t sell for even five hundred gold bars. Because I don’t like the way they look.”


“What about me,” asked Little Gao. “Do you like the way I look?”


The man examined him for a long time, from top to bottom. The narrow eyes underneath his heavy brows glittered like knives. “Did you come from Chang’an.”


“Yes.” “是。”

“What’s in that cloth package of yours? Is it a sword?”


“Yes.” “是。”

“The reason you came from Chang’an … is it Great Master Zhu of the Lion Clan?”



The man suddenly *** iled again, revealing a set of ghastly white teeth. “Then I don’t think we can do business.”


“Why?” “为什么?”

“Because dead people can’t eat sweet cakes, and I don’t sell sweet cakes to dead people.”



标签: 做得




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