Yet there's hope. Groups like the Jameel Poverty Action Lab and Innovations for Poverty Action spend their time scientifically studying promising interventions. GiveWell, a rigorous charity evaluator, has emerged as an organization which systematically reviews the scientific evidence for charities in order to find where donors can get the most impact for their money. As a sort of Consumer Reports of charity, GiveWell scours the world for charities that are backed by evidence, transparent, have room for more funding, and will submit to thorough examination.
(节选自Joey Savoie, “Charity Needs a Scientific Revolution and We Can Make it Happen”)
文章主要想要表达作者认为当今慈善组织需要通过科学 *** 革新和提高自己的工作效率。在这一自然段中,作者以三个组织Jameel Poverty Action Lab,Innovations for Poverty Action和GiveWell为例说明目前已经有组织进行了科学和系统的的研究。从而证明这样的改革是可行的。
Last week, the Aspen Institute gathered a politically diverse group of Americans under the banner of the “Franklin Project,” named after Ben, to declare a commitment to offering every American between the ages of 18 and 28 a chance to give a year of service to the country. The opportunities would include service in our armed forces but also time spent educating our fellow citizens, bringing them health care and preventive services, working with the least advantaged among us, and conserving our environment.
(节选自E.J. Dionne Jr., “A Call for National Service”)
这篇文章号召美国年轻人通过各种方式为国家做贡献。在这一段中作者以Aspen Institute的Franklin Project为例证明已经有相关组织意识到了美国青年社会责任感欠缺的现状,主动为他们提供包括参军,支教,社工,环保等多种途径来为国家建设贡献出自己的一份力量。
关键词:exemplification, specific, supportive
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