



片尾曲有两首,RATM的Wake Up和Manson的Rock Is Dead

酒吧里的是Rob Zombie的Dracula



Wake Up - Rage Against the Machine



Rock Is Dead - Marilyn Manson



01. Rock Is Dead - Marilyn Manson

02. Spybreak - Propellerheads

03. Bad Blood - Ministry

04. Clubbed to Death [Kurayamino Mix] - Rob D.

05. Prime Audio Soup - Meat Beat Manifesto

06. Leave You Far Behind - Lunatic Calm

07. Mindfields - The Prodigy

08. Dragula [Hot Rod Herman Remix] - Rob Zombie

09. My Own Summer (Shove It) - Deftones

10. Ultrasonic Sound - Hive

11. Look to Your Orb for the Warning - Monster Magnet

12. Hast - Rammstein

13. Wake Up - Rage Against the Machine

下面是鲜为人知的Complele Motion Picture Score

1. Main Title

2. Trinity Infinity

3. Follow Instructions

4. The White Rabbit

5. Sneak Rue Eve

6. Unable to Speak

7. Road To Truthville

8. The Lafayette Mirror

9. The Power Plant

10. Welcome to the Real World

11. Introductions

12. The Truth

13. No Return

14. Training (Bow Whisk Orchestra)

15. Switch or Break Show

16. The Jump Program

17. I Don't Remember You Bringing me Dinner

18. The Sewers

19. Want a Drink?/The Turncoat

20. Departure Arrival

21. Spoonboy Sermon

22. Oracle Honesty

23. The Hotel Ambush- Exit Mr. Hat

24. Cypher Punk

25. Think Tank

26. A Virus

27. Let's Go

28. Bullet-time

29. You Move Like They Do

30. Ontological Shock

31. The Subway Fight

32. Neo on the Run

33. Anything is Possible


我只能提供一点信息,黑客1里有一首插曲,在一酒吧里NEO遇见TRINITY的时候放的那一首,是ROB ZOMBIE 的

DRUGULA, 然后此片中的所有歌曲好像都来自ROB ZOMBIE.

黑客帝国 矩阵革命结束时的音乐是什么 在哪能下到







附赠Neodammerung的歌词释义(原文是梵语= =)

From delusion lead me to truth

From darkness lead me to light

From death lead me to immortality.

He who knows both knowledge and action, with action overcomes death and with knowledge reaches immortality.

In him are woven the sky and the earth and all the regions of the air, and in him rest the mind and all the powers of life. Know him as the ONE and leave aside all other words. He is the bridge of immortality.

Beyond the senses is the mind, and beyond the mind is reason, its essence. Beyond reason is the Spirit in man, and beyond this is the Spirit of the Universe, the evolver of all.

When the five senses and the mind are still, and reason itself rests in silence, then begins the Path supreme.

And when he is seen in his immanence and transcendence, then the ties that have bound the heart are unloosened, the doubts of the mind vanish, and the law of Karma works no more.


asato ma sad gamaya是梵语的英译中文版的NAVRAS从虚幻带领我到现实,从黑暗指引我到光明,从死亡超度我到不朽。全知全能的他,以行动凌驾于死亡,以智慧摆渡于涅磐。他创造天空大地世间万灵,他传递智慧思想生命真谛。只知他是The One,除此没有更多言语,它是通往“梵”之桥梁。思想是感官的超越,理性是思想的升华,固是思想的精髓。精神是理性的飞跃,胜于精神的则是万象之灵,固是众生超度之源泉。当五蕴不再灵动,当理性就此静默,他便从此踏入涅磐之路。但意识到其所固存,也意识到其所超然。他被束缚的心从此解脱。心不再有疑虑,灵不再有界限。命运的羁绊从此消失!英文版:From delusion lead me to truthFrom darkness lead me to lightFrom death lead me to immortality.Let there be peace everywhereWhen the five senses and the mind are still, and reason itself rests in silence, then begins the Path supreme梵文英译asato ma sad gamayatamaso ma jyotir gamayamrtyor mamrtam gamaya Om shanti shanti shantiJnani manasa saha Buddhis ca na vicestate Tam ahuh paramam gatim古梵文नावरासअसातो मा साद गामाया तामासो मा य़ोतिऋ गामाया मृतयॉऋ मामृताम गामाया विदयाम चाविदयाम चा यास ताद वेदॊभायाम साहा अविदयाया मृतयुम तिऋतवा विदयायामृताम असनुते


Main Title、Trinity Infinity、Follow Instructions、The White Rabbit等,没有日本组合的。


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