黑客一词被用于泛指那些专门利用电脑 *** 和系统安全漏洞对 *** 进行攻击破坏或窃取资料的人。计算机病毒是一个程序,一段可执行码。就像生物病毒一样,计算机病毒有独特的复制能力。计算机病毒可以很快地蔓延,又常常难以根除。
1.I’m glad that I can get this chance,不仅存在语法错误(没有 I ‘m glad that这样的句型,that从句什么成分来的,主语??那I 呢?只有it is adj that……),而且比较低档, 改为I’m honored and delightful to get this golden opportunity,我很荣幸,也很高兴获得这样一个天赐良机。
2So I can’t help introducing myself at once虽然语法不错,但按照我们的习惯,很少人在谈到自我介绍时会说“我禁不住要立刻自我介绍……(怪怪的)”,改成So,please allow me to make a brief self-introduction to all of you here today!
3.My English name……naturally……不符合中国人自我介绍的习惯(一般都是先说中文名,再说英文名),,My name is Tang ZiJin ,of course(naturally用得很拗口),you can call me Kearns Jerry,that is my English name
4Everyone has a dream,平铺直叙,比较平淡,食之无味,如同鸡肋啊,这样美化一下,all people around the world cherish their dreams,which may be the same as the others’ ,or totally different from the others’,世界上所有人都有着他们自己的梦想,这个梦想也许和其他人的一样,或者完全不同
5Just use my dream to tell,是很不规范的中式英语,标准的英语是Just take my dream for example!!
6.When I was a little boy,it sound crazy,逻辑混乱,换成When I was a little boy,I was always be wondering it would be very,very crazy if I became a hacker one day in the future
7However,the dream is full ,the reality is slim可能人家听不懂,换个说法吧However,the fuller this(老是用the,听起来不爽) dream is ,the slimer the reality will surely be!
8Because I failed in the way twice不顺口,Because I failed twice in the same way
9So I am the first time I have failed很中式英语,so I failed the first time
10Time is flying换成Time is elapsing不是更妙吗???
11结尾部分不错 Thanks everybody换成 thank you so much for your concern!!!
12希望你能兑现200分的承诺 ,言而无信者一般都是……
13为了防止盗版 只能用图片了 白黑的 不好意思????如果我真心要盗版的话,我把图片下载过来,我一个一个字,一个一个字地打,无论三五几分钟,还是十天半个月,我一定能打完的,那结果…………你这种反盗版的措施……呃…… 除非你用马赛克……
Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet
Ten years ago, the Internet was practically unheard of by most people. Today, the Internet is one of the most powerful tools throughout the world. The Internet is a collection of various services and resources. According to Russ Brock, a director and consultant at the Center for Innovation and Inquiry, the Internet’s main components are E-mail and the World Wide Web. “There’s a lot more to the Internet than E-mail, search engines, celerity web sites, up-to-the-second sports scores, and chat rooms full of risqué discussions. The Net also ranks as one of today’s best business tools - if it’s used adroitly”. Almost all households contain the Internet; however, before people connect to the Internet, they need to be aware of its disadvantages and advantages.
Many fear the Internet because of its disadvantages. They claim to not use the Internet because they are afraid of the possible consequences or are simply not interested. People who have yet connected to the Internet claim they are not missing anything. Today’s technological society must realize, it is up to them to protect themselves on the Internet “Half of U.S. *** s, or 94 million Americans, aren’t online”.
Children using the Internet has become a big concern. Most parents do not realize the dangers involved when their children log onto the Internet. When children are online, they can easily be lured into something dangerous. When children talk to others online, they do not realize they could actually be talking to a harmful person.
As a result, there have been many cases where children have been convinced to meet people they have talked with online. In fact, “stories seem to come out every week: a child or teenager lured into something foolish, dangerous, or even deadly on line” . Cathy Cleaver of the Family Research Council claims that it is against the law for a molester to even attempt to find children online . In addition, children may also receive *** ography online by mistake; therefore, causing concern among parents everywhere. Whether surfing the Web, reading newsgroups, or using email, children can be exposed to extremely inappropriate material. Pornographic sites tend to make sure they are the first sites to be listed in any search area; thus, children come across such sites easily.
A man from Pearl, Mississippi was arrested in 1996 for downloading *** ographic images of children from the Internet. He was charged with 290 counts of child *** ography . Some critics say that parents are responsible for their own children on the Internet because there are available services to protect children. To keep children safe, parents and teachers must be aware of the dangers. They must actively guide and guard their children online.
Parents should talk to their children about what is online and what might happen online, claims Howard Rheingold, writer of The Virtual Community . There are a number of tools available today that may help keep the Internet environment safer for children. Some companies, such as America Online, try to monitor everything that is said and done on their online service; however, because thousands of chat rooms are available, it is simply impossible for everything to be monitored, claims Tricia Primrose, worker for America Online . In other words, children want to explore things; however, there are people on the Internet that are just too persuasive.
1999-06-02 FBI和参议院网站被黑 路透社报道,黑客上周攻破了FBI的互联网站。FBI上周五说,这是黑客对FBI的报复。 负责调查计算机犯罪并帮助维护美国政丨府计算机安全的FBI宣称,网站是周三晚上瘫痪的。FBI发言人DebbieWeyerman说,目前还不清楚FBI网站何时才能恢复,但估计得等到本周末或下周早些时候。他们说FBI将调查任何一个有嫌疑的人。 那位官员说,黑客并没有真正攻破FBI的站点,也没有篡改任何文件。黑客在另外一个计算机上运行了一个程序,淹没了FBI的一台IBM主机——就好象成千上万个Internet用户都在尝试访问这个站点。“结果就是拒绝服务。”他们说。 FBI发言人PaulBresson将这个站点描述成一个包含出版物和演讲稿的"公关工具":“那里没有任何有意义或者分过类的东西。 另外,参议院的网站和一些州政丨府、联邦政丨府的计算机也受到了同样的攻击。 黑客们本周四还破坏了参议院的网页。有一些人声称是他们破坏了Virginia州政丨府的网页,这些网页至今没有恢复。留在Virginia网页上的一句话是:“是算帐的时候了。” FBI说,发现黑客不成功地威胁到该局网站安全的时候,他们自己关闭了网站。 Weyerman说,攻击并未威胁到FBI内部的E-mail或其它计算机系统。并说,目前还不能确定破坏参议院网站的黑客是否与破坏FBI网站的黑客有关。 参议院网页上留有的一些猥亵的话,谴责FBI对一些特定黑客团体的折磨包括自称本月初攻入了白宫站点的黑客组织。“谁笑在最后?”那些话中显然有种戏弄“我们在FBI的朋友”的神气。 另一位发言人说,技术人员今天与FBI碰头“解决问题,备份网站,并指出可以采取何种安全方式防止同类事件的再次发生。”她说,参议院于下午8点后不久自己关闭了网站,但她不知道网站何时才能恢复。 其它联邦站点,包括白宫、众议院,都运行正常。
具体步骤一定要看上面的视频! 太简单了。。。什么复制SIM卡,信号拦截,间谍卫星就不谈了,一般人黑客也犯不上用。 通过让你下载一些木马后台软件,进而入侵操控你的手机,所以一般别下载来路不明的...
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本文目录一览: 1、黑客攻击web,窃取信息(或破解加密流通数据)的手段有哪些,请列举并简要说明原理 2、黑客攻击手段 3、列出常用信息泄露方式? 4、黑客利用WI-FI盗取个人敏感信息这...