你现在在哪里 你遇见谁了 你说什么 你去哪儿 我上一次记得我什么时候 你现在爱谁
Where are you now, who did you meet, what did you say where you went, i remember when I was, who do you love now?
最后决定离开后 我没有喝酒和哭泣 开始平静下来 没有期望 我认为也就这样了 我对你感到非常失望
After finally deciding to leave, I didn't drink and cry, I started to calm down, I didn't expect, I think so I'm very disappointed you.
我想你了 但是我的列表里面没有你 只敢一次次搜索你的 不敢点击空间 不敢再加你好友 我很抱歉 那你遇到这么差劲的我
I miss you, but I don't have you in the list, you only dare to sear百思特网ch you again and again, dare not click s百思特网pace dare not add your friend I'm sorry you encountered such a bad me
你是我所有的之一次 我所有的感情起点都是从你这里开始的 美好幸福 痛苦难受都只有你的记忆 两年的时间是多么漫长 我再决定离开你那晚 用尽了所有的勇气 我依然爱你 但是已经不想嫁给你了 两年的时间 足以认清两人个合适不合适 然后我放了自己也放了你
You're the first time all my feelings have started with the good happiness and the pain is only your memory How long i decided to leave you that 百思特网night I've lost all my courage And I still love you but I don't want to marry you two years now I've been able to recognize that they're fit and wrong, and then I let myself go and let me go.
真的好难过 感觉自己好卑微 他的眼里早已没有了我 我以后会遇到比他好 更爱我的男生 而他弄丢了一个满眼都是他的女孩 这不是我的损失
Really sad, i feel so humble, his eyes have long been without me I will meet better than he loves me boys, and he lost a girl full of his eyes this is not my loss
刚分手的时候 我以为他会像平常那样把我哄回去 所以没感觉到伤心 直到过了几天后我才明白 原来他是真的走了 那段时间真的好难 我几乎都睡不着觉 感觉自己像是自闭了 或许每个人总有一段时间过不去吧
When I first broke up, I thought he'd coax me back like usual, so I didn't feel sad until a few days later I realized that he was really gone, and I could hardly sleep and I could n'go like a self-contained person.
曾经很喜欢他 把更好的都给他 他给了我所有坏脾气 从没有一句夸奖 处处嘲笑 我那么对他好 他是不是感受不到
Once liked him, gave him the best he gave me all the bad temper, never a compliment, laughed at him so good to him, he didn't feel it.
我闺蜜说偏执又有点儿病态 不怕喜欢上病态 就怕被病态喜欢 曾经真的喜欢过 即使攒够了失望还是不舍
I said paranoid and a little sick, not afraid to like the disease, afraid of being morbidlike once really liked, even if you save enough disappointment or not give up
又一个女孩儿没了安全感 分手快乐 基本没有一个初恋是可以走最后的 你走吧 我对你已经失望透顶了 而我已经把枕头哭湿了
Another girl is insecure, break up happy, basically no first love is the last you go, you have been disappointed i've been disappointed, and I've wet the pillow crying
今天是最后的告别 哭了好久 我也是会瞒着所有人继续爱你
Today is the last goodbye, crying for a long time, and I will keep it from everyone to continue to love you
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