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预约经验心情:Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot said decion to start school year remotely “ rooted public health data and the valuable feedback we’ve received from parents and families.” She added that it “makes sense” for a school district of such size and diversity.Background ColorWASHINGTON — Presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden expressed openness to eliminat the filibuster, but said he didn’t think the political stonewall device would ultimately prevent him from passing legislation.A post shared by Ethel’s Club (@ethelsclub) on May 28, 2020 at 12:05pm PDT(Reuters) – Hikma Pharmaceuticals has started manufacturing remdesivir, an approved treatment for COVID-19 from U.S.-based Gilead, for an undisclosed amount at its facility in Portugal, the British company’s chief executive officer said.While excited about the sonar technology his team is beta testing, Skomal worries it will give swimmers a false sense of security since a minority of the total shark population has been tagged with tran *** itters.THE FACTS: Data show the pandemic is spreading in the United States, not fading. Yet a widely viewed Facebook post titled, “Why is the Epidemic Fading?” makes a series of unsubstantiated claims that are contrary to current scientific consensus, including that younger people and healthy people “don’t easily catch it or spread it.” The post, which was accompanied by a graphic of COVID-19 deaths by state, also claims the virus “exploited the easy vectors … the people who are vulnerable” and “now it struggles to spread any more.” Nicholas G. Reich, an associate professor of biostatistics at University of Massachusetts, Amherst, said recent national averages of around 60,000 new COVID-19 cases a day “is in my mind far from evidence that this outbreak is fading — it’s evidence that it is raging.” More than 1,000 COVID-19 deaths have been recorded daily in the U.S. in recent days, according to data from the COVID Tracking Project. Reich, who aggregates coronavirus forecasts for the COVID-19 Forecast Hub in collaboration with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said more than 30 models predict 40 states have a higher than 50 percent chance of seeing higher death rates in the next two weeks than in the previous two weeks. He said 11 of those states have a 75 percent chance of seeing higher death rates. Furthermore, public health experts say the claim that healthy people don’t easily catch or spread the virus is false. “If you are healthier, you’re less likely to get really sick if you do get infected,” said Dr. Art Reingold, a professor of epidemiology at University of California, Berkeley. “It says nothing about whether you’re likely to tran *** it the virus, or to get infected with the virus.” The post’s broad claim that “younger people” don’t easily catch or spread the coronavirus is also inaccurate, public health experts told the AP. In several states, infections among young *** s have been driving new outbreaks over the summer. Scientists are still trying to understand how children respond to the virus. “We don’t really know how effectively the very young spread it,” Dr. Georges Benjamin, the executive director of the American Public Health Association told the AP. But he said for “age 10 and above, most of the evidence we have today says they’re just like *** s.” As of Friday, the CDC had recorded more than 250,000 COVID-19 cases in the 0-17 age group. Data does not support the premise that most people vulnerable to the virus have already been infected and the virus is struggling to spread. “If you want to re-infect New York City, all you need is one person to go into New York City — a super spreader — and they can get a new explosion,” Benjamin said.Longoria served as the moderator for the first night of the convention. She began the night with a stirring introduction, delivering a call to arms, emphasizing how essential voting is, and referring to the upcoming election as a “chance to save our country.”The city’s mayor, Bill de Blasio, has been criticized for his handling of the pandemic. Opening the nation’s biggest school district in the nation’s biggest city would give him the national attention he has long sought.Biden has vehemently denied being influenced in any way, and several U.S. officials have — under oath — publicly described the allegations against Biden as not credible.
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