bgm歌曲名是Meant To Be,是Arc North联合Krista Marina于2016年11月11日公布的最新单曲。
I want you to show me
How to get to know
Someone like you someone like you
I want you to know me
'Cause I know then you'll see
We can be true we can be true
I want you to see what I see in us
Something so real something so real
I want you to see that this is a love
That we both feel that we both feel
And how will we ever know
If the love will ever grow
Without trying without trying
And how will we ever see
If we are meant to be
It's terrifying it's terrifying
That we are meant to be
We are we are
That we are meant to be
That we are meant to be
We are we are
That we are meant to be
We both been there before
When love shuts the door
It's a losing game it's a losing game
But this time it's more
Than another love war
This ain't the same this ain't the same
They say love heals all
It makes it all alright
In time in time
My heart still feels the breaking
But you make my world so bright
It feels so right it feels so right
And how will we ever feel
That what we got is real
There's no denying there's no denying
And how will we ever see
If we are meant to be
It's terrifying it's terrifying
And how till we ever know
If the love will ever grow
Without trying without trying
And how will we ever see
If we are meant to be
It's terrifying it's terrifying
That we are meant to be
We are we are
That we are meant to be
That we are meant to be
We are we are
That we are meant to be
我明白终有一天,我能寻找不属于我的那道Neon Rainbow
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