怎么查看别人已经删除的微信聊天记录信息 谁能


不知道CBer有多少会RAP的?国外的一些程序员用网站聊天程序进行了一场RAP对决,看完了你就知道:"程序员会RAP,谁也挡不住!"   we ain't here to do e-c-e   we're here to do c-s-e on the w-e-b   listen to me spit these rhymes   while i program lines   and commit web accessibility crimes   word, son   You talk like your big on these I-Net kicks,   But your shit flows slower than a two-eighty-six.   I'm tracking down hosts and nmap scans,   While Code Igniter's got you wringing your hands.   Cut the crap rap,  orI'll run ettercap,   Grab your AIM chat,   N' send a PC bitch-slap!   peace   you're talkin bout down hosts and nmap scans   while i got other plans   you're at your new job, but you can't even do it right   you just create a plight with your http rewrites   i've been on the web since the age of three   you just got on directly off the bus from mississippi   respect yo' elders, bitch   You've been webbin' since three, but still ain't grown up,   Gottaupdateyour config and send the brain a SIGHUP.   You say you're that old? No wonder you're slow!   You're knocking at the door while I run this show!   Elders my ass, you're shit's still in school,   Hunt and pecking at the keyboard like a spaghetti-damned fool,   Rim-riffing your hard drive like a tool,   Face it. I rule.   i erase my harddrives with magnets (bitch)   all you can do is troll on the fagnets   and son, my brain's wrapped in a nohup   it wont be hurt by the words you throwup   dont mind me while i emerge my ownage   while you're still over there apt-getting your porridge   you say i'm still in school   but the fact is that i know the rule   cuz you need to go back to grade three   and you better plea, that they take sucky graduates from c-s-e   Time to bend over and apply a patch,   Your brain's throwing static like a CD with a scratch.   Your connection got nuked and you've met your match.   You run a single process like a VAX with a batch.   I'd pass the torch to a real winner   But it'd just scorch a while-loop spinne





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