最新单曲介绍:久违了的英伦摇滚Keane回家了,全新个人专辑《Strangeland》首波主推最新单曲《Silenced By the Night》抢鲜听。
Keane - Silenced By the Night
In a city like mine there's no point in fighting
I close my eyes, it's just you and me driving
If I am a river, you are the ocean
Got the radio on, got the wheels in motion
We were silenced by the night
Just you and I, we're gonna rise again
Divided from the light
I wanna love the way we used to then
I lie in the dark, I feel I'm falling
Feel your hand on my back, hear your voice calling
I'm out of my depth girl, stick close to me
Because the people in this town, they look straight through me
We were silenced by the night
Just you and I, we're gonna rise again
Divided from the light
I wanna love the way we used to then
'Cause baby I'm not scared of this world when you're here
No baby I'm not scared of this world when you're here
OooOooh, you and I, we're gonna rise again
OooOooh, you and I, we're gonna rise again
We were silenced by the night
Just you and I, we're gonna rise again
Divided by the light
I wanna love the way we used to then
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