

美语三级跳 (Go English) 002A讲 - “找房子”模块初中级课程内容


Professor: Jeff is at an apartment building. He's meeting the landlord to ask about renting an apartment.

Professor Bowman, landlord这个词由是land─土地资源,和lord─主人家构成的,应当便是屋主的含意吧?

Professor: That's right, Winnie. Now listen for the word "vacancy," which means "open" or "available."

Jeff: Hello, do you have any vacancies?

Landlord: Yes, something just opened up.

Jeff: What kind of apartment is it?

Landlord: It's a one-bedroom, one-bathroom apartment.

我明白,"vacancy, v-a-c-a-n-c-y, vacancy"是指等候租赁的空房子。Professor: Exactly. "Vacant" means "empty."

哦,vacant 是 vacancy 的修饰词,意思是“空的”。如今Jeff 便是要找a vacant apartment. 屋主说有一个一室一卫的公寓楼,听起来不错,但是不清楚房租贵便宜。

Professor: Let's listen and find out.

Jeff: How much is the rent?

Landlord: The rent is $1500 per month.

Jeff: And how much is the deposit?

Landlord: The deposit is $500.

一个一居室的公寓楼每月要 1500 美金?够贵的!并且,为何Jeff 也要交一笔deposit“保证金”呢?

Professor: Well, if Jeff breaks something in the apartment, the landlord uses the deposit money to fix it. In addition, he may have to pay utilities too. Let's listen.

Jeff: Are utilities included in the rent?

Landlord: Gas and water are included.

Jeff: Do I have to pay for electricity myself?

Landlord: Yes, electricity is not included in the rent.

哦,来看Jeff 要自身压力一部分utilities, u-t-i-l-i-t-i-e-s,─“水电工程附加费”,由于屋主说,租金里包含燃气费和水电费,可是水电费要单付。

Professor: Winnie, if the landlord says "all utilities are included," then the cost of gas, water and electricity will all be included in the rent. Remember, you don't have to say "gas utility" or "water utility." You can just say "gas" or "water."

Jeff: Hmmm ... This apartment seems a little expensive. Do you have any cheap studios?

Landlord: Actually, the one-bedroom is the only vacant apartment right now.

Jeff: Do you think any studios will open up soon?

Landlord: No, not for a few months.

A "studio"? 我明白 Jeff 想找个便宜点的地区,可租这类卧房、卧室合二为一的单人间单身公寓,把女生带回去多丢面子!

Professor: I don't know. You wouldn't date a guy living in a studio?

找一个租 studio 的男友?那也没有什么不好,但他至少要有辆尤其 cool 的车!大家還是大破冲霄楼,看一下Jeff 租没租那个公寓楼吧。

Jeff: When can I see the one-bedroom apartment?

Landlord: There's an open house this weekend.

Jeff: What time does the open house start?

Landlord: It starts at 11AM in the morning.

Professor Bowman, 什么是open house?

Professor: Winnie, an "open house" is when the landlord opens the apartment and anybody can just walk in and take a look.

Open house 这段时间里什么人都能够随意看来。那若不是open house,就得和屋主约時间喽?这一屋主也真懒,让别人看一眼不就得了。

Professor: I agree. Maybe Jeff should rent a different apartment because this landlord is not very good. Now Jeff is going to ask how long the lease is.

Jeff: What kind of lease is it?

Landlord: It's a one-year lease.

Jeff: Can I have a month-to-month lease? I only want to rent the apartment for five months.

Landlord: No, all the leases are for one year. We don't have month-to-month leases.

Jeff: Well then I don't think this would be a good apartment for me. Thank you anyway.

Landlord: You're welcome.


Professor: Well, I guess Jeff's friend Sarah will have to help him look for another apartment. Tune in next time to see what happens!


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