

Converting to ASP+ 
The conversion process from ASP to ASP+ will depend on the complexity of your existing pages. Databases, 
hence ADO, is a great example. ADO is now ADO+ and much different. Therefore if you want your database 
pages to be ADO+ ASP+ pages, the learning curve is a little steeper. Your old code will work in most cases 
with minimal adjustments (mainly structure). 

The way you write your classic ASP pages will determine the level of technicality in converting your 
classic ASP pages to ASP+. VBscript is a subset of VB but not the same as VB therefore minor changes, 
mainly formatting, will be required. Structure will be the biggest issue. Get used to the Object Oriented 
World. And get used to seeing cleaner code. VB and HTML coding must be separated where as with VBscript 
you could intertwine it with HTML. 

Mix and match HTML/VBscript
If you do this a lot inside your Functions and Subs,

URL = request.servervariables("URL")
<FONT FACE="arial" SIZE="2">
The URL was <%=URL%> 

Then you have work to do. ASP+/VB does not allow ASP code to be mixed with HTML freely inside of functions 
and Subroutines. They must be separated. In order for this to run in ASP+, all lines must be converted to 
VB response.write statements. Not VBscript response.write statements. Notice the parenthesis. This will be 
the most cumbersome part of converting ASP pages to ASP+ pages. 

This would be the proper way with ASP+/VB

URL = request.servervariables("URL")
response.write ("<FONT FACE=""arial"" SIZE=""2"">)
response.write ("The URL was "& URL & "</FONT>") 

Function Calls

With VBscript/ASP you write your functions like this

Function doIt()
response.write ("Yes")
End Function

Function doIt2()
response.write ("Yes")
End Function%>

The following way is how you will need to write your functions in ASP+/VB. The most important thing here 
is the <script> tags. 

<script LANGUAGE="VB" RUNAT="server">

Function doIt()
response.write ("Yes")
End Function









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