


急求 黑客帝国英文的观后感


My thoughts after watching the movie of ‘Disney Pixar Cars’

Lighting is the main character in this movie. This film starts with his marvelous car race and a dumb experience in his life. However, at last, his heart is filled with love and kindness.

Lightning was having a race with many other cars. Even he was nervous, his speed was fast. Only three of them could go to the final match. Three, but only one champion! Lightning flied as quickly as a sword. Finally he was the king of all. Everybody was cheerful. Yet Lightning needed to participate in the Grand Final Race for the ‘Piston Cup’. When he was being sent to the venue of Grand Final Match by Max. Max fell asleep until he heard a loud crashing sound. Lightning was asleep too, and he didn’t realize that Max had gone far away, leaving him behind. Lightning kept searching for Max, but there were millions of cars like Max, how he was able to find him! Lightning went insane, crashing and destroying every thing. At last, a police car stopped him and sent him to a prison. A renowned car had become a prisoner! On account of he had destroyed a long road, he must fix it with Besy. At that *** all town, he made a great number of friends and was taught plenty of things there. Even he was bored with fixing the road, he remained to be pleasant with his helpers, particularly with his beloved Sally. With love in his heart, Lightning no longer felt bored with his life.

Back in the car race, there was an evil green car named Chick Hick, when two cars went after him, he had an awful idea. ‘I’ll take all the Piston Cups.’ he said in a sing-songy voice. Then he turned over the blue car. At the sight of this, Lightning remembered that helping each other is the most important thing, he turned back and pushed the blue car to the finish line.

Lightning was a very lovely car. Although Lightning didn’t win the race, his love was the most significant thing in the world. His friends helped him to understand there was more to life rather than reputation and reward. In our life we shall learn to love each other in a delightful feeling. With love, we never feel desperate when we fall. And the most important thing that I want to emphasize is, when lightning helped the blue car, we are not only compe *** s in the competition, but also friends who can help each other.


This is a story in the future, about the Earth's environment has been destroyed, the rulers had kept in a container, let them alive with ideas. However, some people from the container out, construction Zion. Film hero called NEO, he is very handsome. Hero NEO also rescued, and then the hero began to save all mankind.

This story was written in the true history of mankind, the standpoint of natural science, when the earth's resources are exhausted, the symbiosis of humans and machines is the only way. The film is not only great scene, but also contains a profound truth. Tells us that the Earth is our only way to survive their homes, to cherish the Earth, Protect the Earth.

Worth a visit \

/ 这是发生在未来的一个故事,它讲述了地球的环境被破坏,统治者只好把人关在一个容器内,只让他们用思想活着。但有一部分人从容器中到了出来,建造了锡安成。片中而主人公叫做NEO,他很帅。主人公NEO也被救了出来,然后主人公开始了拯救全人类的工作。





The matrix is another film that says no to the "human center". It has written a new chapter in the relationship between man and machine. Its conceptual impact and historical significance even exceed the three laws of robots.

This is a kind of release, a kind of energy conversion. The film will ignite you and make you dizzy in dazzle. It's like an animated but three-dimensional film. Science fiction fans won't want to miss every second of the film.




I watched this movie in cinema long time ago and I never forget the feelings when leaving after watch. This film changed my life. I started to think a little different. It was access to myself. Wachowski Bros. made fantastic piece of art. I think all movie fans know this title and they never forget it. Do you remember when you first time saw it? I remember very well this stunning visual effects which they looked like real. I was so excited watching this film. Every second of this movie is worth seeing. The story told in "The Matrix" is really important to this world because no one knows the future and it shows how could it be and how A.I. may be. It's a warning to humanity. I strongly recommend to see this movie. If you like action on the best level you must watch it and enjoy superb story with great stunning effects (visual and sound).







尼奥通过 *** 发现了另外一个世界的存在,这个发现的过程其实也就是他觉悟的过程,这是一个痛苦的过程,他发现原来自己一直生活在虚幻之中,而真实的自己却在另一个空间里被束缚着,也就是说,即使你现在觉得幸福抑或痛苦,其实都是一种幻觉,因为你看到的一切都是电脑程序的设计,是你自己意识的一种创造。



最终,尼奥觉悟了,成为了“the one”(救世主),成为了佛,他看透了一切,认识到世界原本是虚幻的,就像一堆程序那样没有实际存在意义,就在尼奥觉悟的那一刹那,他拥有了不可思议的力量。









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本文目录一览: 1、ps5版黑客帝国怎么下载 2、《黑客帝国4》首支预告发布,看完后你有哪些理解? 3、《黑客帝国4》发布预告前瞻,短片中都提示了什么? 4、黑客帝国觉醒ps5在哪下载...