



1. Main Title

2. Trinity Dream

3. Enter the Nebuchadnezzar

4. Smith at the Door

5. Smith vs. Smith

6. Komit

7. Free Flight

8. Wonder of Zion

9. The Lascivious Lift

10. Link and Zee

11. Morpheus on the Mount

12. Goodbye Zion

13. The Bane Transformation

14. Bane Voyage

15. First, I Must Apoligize

16. The Industrial Highway

17. Oracle Oratory

18. Purpose that Created Us

19. Burly Brawl

20. Burly Brawl (alternate)

21. Multiple Replication

22. The Council of Cool

23. Meeting Merovingian

24. Niaiserie

25. Choice is an Illusion

26. Sample This

27. Meet the Keymaker

28. Some Skill

29. Chateau

30. Chateau Swashbuckling (alternate)

31. Double Trouble

32. Mona Lisa Overdrive

33. Truck vs. Truck

34. The Plan

35. The Final Flight of the Vigilant

36. Kill the Keymaker

37. Doddering Old Fool

38. The Problem is Choice

39. Window Switch

40. Neo Miraculous

41. No More Nebuchadnezzar

42. Contusion Conclusion

高分悬赏 黑客帝国2电影原声

幸好硬盘里常备matrix4集,翻了下,进车库前neo的那场叫Chateau,出车库的追逐叫做Mona Lisa Overdrive

你要的那一段,墨菲斯和崔尼迪跟twins打的那场叫做"Dread Rock"

作曲人是Paul Oakenfold

我要说明的是,首先,在neo打斗之前和公路追逐之前,只有这一段是独立存在的OST,在电影末尾的 *** 人名单细节中有明确的显示.第二,我在YouTube上面搜索了一下Dread Rock,确实是这一段

很多电影的OST里面都有重复的部分和串用的部分,举个例子,在van helsin的OST中,第四首Journey to transylvania和第八首Transylvanian horses有一段就是完全相同的曲目.




http://music.qq.com/miniportal/static/album/78/album_45578_1.html 黑客帝国2 重装上阵 原声带http://music.qq.com/miniportal/static/album/35/album_46435_1.html 黑客帝国 电影原声带








1. Linkin Park / Session 2’23”

2. Marilyn Manson / This is the New Shit 4’20”

3. Rob Zombie / Reload 5’45”

4. Rob Dougan / Furious Angels 5’29”

5. Deftones / Lucky You 4’08”

6. Team Sleep / The Passportal 2’55”

7. P.O.D. / Sleeping Awake 3’23”

8. Unloco / Bruises 2’36”

9. Rage Against The Machine / Calm Like A Bomb 4’58”

10. Oakenfold / Dread Rock 4’40”

11. Fluke / Zion 4’33”

12. Dave Matthews / When the World Ends (Oakenfold Remix)5’26”

13. Don Davis / Main Title 1’30”

14. Rob Dougan / Chateau 3’23”

15. Juno Reactor vs. Don Davis/ Burly Brawl 5’52”

16. Don Davis / “Matrix Reloaded” Suite 17’34”






1. Main Title

2. Trinity Infinity

3. Follow Instructions

4. The White Rabbit

5. Sneak Rue Eve

6. Unable to Speak

7. Road To Truthville

8. The Lafayette Mirror

9. The Power Plant

10. Welcome to the Real World

11. Introductions

12. The Truth

13. No Return

14. Training (Bow Whisk Orchestra)

15. Switch or Break Show

16. The Jump Program

17. I Don't Remember You Bringing me Dinner

18. The Sewers

19. Want a Drink?/The Turncoat

20. Departure Arrival

21. Spoonboy Sermon

22. Oracle Honesty

23. The Hotel Ambush- Exit Mr. Hat

24. Cypher Punk

25. Think Tank

26. A Virus

27. Let's Go

28. Bullet-time

29. You Move Like They Do

30. Ontological Shock

31. The Subway Fight

32. Neo on the Run

33. Anything is Possible


1. Main Title

2. Trinity Dream

3. Enter the Nebuchadnezzar

4. Smith at the Door

5. Smith vs. Smith

6. Komit

7. Free Flight

8. Wonder of Zion

9. The Lascivious Lift

10. Link and Zee

11. Morpheus on the Mount

12. Goodbye Zion

13. The Bane Transformation

14. Bane Voyage

15. First, I Must Apoligize

16. The Industrial Highway

17. Oracle Oratory

18. Purpose that Created Us

19. Burly Brawl

20. Burly Brawl (alternate)

21. Multiple Replication

22. The Council of Cool

23. Meeting Merovingian

24. Niaiserie

25. Choice is an Illusion

26. Sample This

27. Meet the Keymaker

28. Some Skill

29. Chateau

30. Chateau Swashbuckling (alternate)

31. Double Trouble

32. Mona Lisa Overdrive

33. Truck vs. Truck

34. The Plan

35. The Final Flight of the Vigilant

36. Kill the Keymaker

37. Doddering Old Fool

38. The Problem is Choice

39. Window Switch

40. Neo Miraculous

41. No More Nebuchadnezzar

42. Contusion Conclusion


1. Logos/Main Titles

2. Nothing But Blue Pills

3. Ak, Colt and Mauser

4. Our Lit Ovens

5. Oracle Debacle

6. The Trainmen Cometh

7. The Trainmen Goeth

8. Sin, Toil and Extra Vermouth

9. The Road To Hell

10. Time's Up

11. The Road To Sourceville

12. He Is You

13. The First Goodbye

14. The All-knowing Oracle

15. The Logos Location

16. It's Crazy Zee

17. Das Banegold

18. The Bane Revelation

19. The Smith Within Us

20. Men In Metal

21. Niobe's Run

22. The Breach

23. Boom Hilda

24. Die Br黱ett Walk黵e

25. Mjolner Mastication

26. Charra Boiled

27. Woman Can Drive

28. Moribund Mifune

29. Kid Fried

30. To Our Snivel

31. Neovision

32. Saw Bitch Workhorse

33. Trinity Definitely

34. Deus Ex Machina

35. Neod鋗merung

36. Why Mr. Anderson?

37. Spirit of the Universe

38. Bridge of Immortality

39. For Neo

40. Navras




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