npm install monaco-editor复制代码
本人写Vue + Webpack 较多,以此为例:
之一种写法: 使用 monaco-editor-webpack-plugin
// .vue 对应的 script剧本中 import * as monaco from 'monaco-editor'; monaco.editor.create(document.getElementById('container'), { value: [ 'function x() {', '\tconsole.log("Hello world!");', '}' ].join('\n'), language: 'javascript' });
// 在 webpack.base.conf.js 中 // 需要安装 monaco-editor-webpack-plugin const MonacoWebpackPlugin = require('monaco-editor-webpack-plugin'); const path = require('path'); module.exports = { ... plugins: [ new MonacoWebpackPlugin() ] };
// .vue 对应的 script剧本中 import * as monaco from 'monaco-editor'; // Since packaging is done by you, you need // to instruct the editor how you named the // bundles that contain the web workers. self.MonacoEnvironment = { getWorkerUrl: function (moduleId, label) { if (label === 'json') { return './json.worker.bundle.js'; } if (label === 'css') { return './css.worker.bundle.js'; } if (label === 'html') { return './html.worker.bundle.js'; } if (label === 'typescript' || label === 'javascript') { return './ts.worker.bundle.js'; } return './editor.worker.bundle.js'; } } monaco.editor.create(document.getElementById('container'), { value: [ 'function x() {', '\tconsole.log("Hello world!");', '}' ].join('\n'), language: 'javascript' });
// 在 webpack.base.conf.js 中 // 不需要安装任何剧本const path = require('path'); module.exports = { entry: { "app": './index.js', // Package each language's worker and give these filenames in `getWorkerUrl` "editor.worker": 'monaco-editor/e *** /vs/editor/editor.worker.js', "json.worker": 'monaco-editor/e *** /vs/language/json/json.worker', "css.worker": 'monaco-editor/e *** /vs/language/css/css.worker', "html.worker": 'monaco-editor/e *** /vs/language/html/html.worker', "ts.worker": 'monaco-editor/e *** /vs/language/typescript/ts.worker', }, ... };
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