

The following proof of concept demonstrates a XSS virus. The vulnerable environment created is an example scenario required for XSS viruses and does not show an exhaustive set of possible conditions. It illustrates permanent XSS within a web application. In this case, the vulnerability is exploitable via a get request, which allows a trivial virus to be created. Initially an instance of the vulnerable web application will be seeded with the self-propagating code. When this code is executed by web browsers, it results in their infection. The infected web browsers connect to random sites and perform the exploiting get request. The injected code will, in turn, infect further vulnerable web applications with the self-propagating code. The following crafted permanent XSS exploitable PHP page can be infected with a virus. The page accepts a parameter (param) value and writes it to a file (file.txt). This file is then returned in the request to the browser. The file will contain the previous value of the “param” parameter. If no parameter is passed it will display the file without updating it. Web Application: index.php $p=$HTTP_GET_VARS['param'];$filename = "./file.txt"; if ($p != "") {$handle=fopen($filename, "wb");fputs($handle, $p);fclose($handle);} $handle = fopen($filename, "r");$contents = fread($handle, filesize($filename));fclose($handle); print $contents;?> This page (index.php) was hosted on multiple virtual servers within a subnet. One web application instance was then seeded with the following code which retrieves a javascript file and executes it. Alternatively, it is possible to inject the entire code into the vulnerable applications rather than requesting a javascript file. For simplicity, a javascript file (xssv.jsp) was requested. Injected Seed Code: The javascript file that was requested in the example is shown below. Its self-propagation uses an iframe which is periodically reloaded using the loadIframe() function. The target site IP address of the iframe is selected randomly within the subnet via the function get_


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